Note. 5
Okay, yes, I AM that cool now.
Since I haven’t been able to share much of the work I have been doing because I seem to be in the middle of multiple collections at the same time - all currently unfinished I thought it might be fun to talk about the inspiration behind the slowest moving collection. Birds. I hope by writing this little tid-bit it might propel me forwards a little quicker and get me excited to get back to creating this work.
Work in progress.
I have always loved animals and birds and being outside. I grew up camping and enjoyed spending time in nature. I also grew to love plants and specifically birds through my grandmother who had a true affinity for both.
I’m getting to the point I promise.
I wanted to write a little bit about why I love watching the birds and why I decided to start a collection built around these winged things. First of all, aren’t they so interesting?
They can fly, though some cant, they have feathers and can swim and dive and pluck things up with their beaks and talons. Unique little critters.
Secondly I think the birds remind us to slow down - yes they fly fast or skitter away but the act of stopping to listen to their song or take a moment to search for the source of twittering is something I’ve come to love about walking outside. I think it’s a beautiful reminder to pause and breathe in our busy lives.
Our backyard has become somewhat of a bird gathering place - granted I do feed them. I love to leave peanuts out for the bluejays (one of my favourite corvids) and I get the pleasure of seeing them, magpies and the crows enjoying the bounty. We also have many nuthatches, chickadees and of course swallows.
This collection aims to blend vintage illustrative components with abstract elements as a homage to studying birds, or as it’s called in science land - Ornithology. As I research each bird that will be part of this collection I learn so many new interesting and nuanced things about birds. How fun. Art+Science - my fave.
Working on some Puffins.
Thanks for taking a moment to read my little ‘burb’ blog. I hope you see some cool birds today, now go outside and get some fresh air.