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When I think of bees I think of happiness, sunny days and sweet moments.

I first became a bee person in third year art school, at least that’s when I really connected with them, having always loved watching the bumblebees in the garden. I dont’ remember specifically the moment but I know I had stumbled upon something intriguing. I was researching patterns and the movements of wildlife and I became immensely interested in the natural rhythms of animals and bugs. I found a beautiful image of a swarm of honey bees floating in the air. Thus began my deep dive into the world of bees.

I have made many works abstracting these bee swarm patterns, used that kinetic energy to create movement in my work and of course painted many many bees in watercolour, oils and drew them in pen and ink. My fascination, appreciation and interest in bees is very real. Simply put, I love them.

Bumble bees, honey bees, carpenter bees - ALL of the bees.

Preparing to install my nuc into the hive box.

I very recently purchased all my hive equipment and some bees and I set up my very first hive! I can’t wait to share with you my experiences with this new adventure. I admire and appreciate beekeepers and the idea of being one is something I’ve longed to pursue. This opportunity came along quite quickly and there wasn’t a whole lot of time to really ponder the idea so I jumped on in. Within a week I was ready to go - my new bee suit arriving just in time to install my nuc!

(A ‘nuc’ is a nucleus, a small colony of bees - mine contained 5-frames)

I look forward to the rewarding relationship I will have as steward to this little kingdom and I relish in the opportunity I have been given!

Handling the frames for the first time!

I hope you’ll look forward to bee related content!

I’m going to take a moment here to thank the people in my life that never scoff at my new adventures, projects and ideas. Y’all… I’m so lucky to have you.

Special thank you to my friend Jenn, who has agreed to “bee” my mentor and help me learn and grow as a beekeeper.

She’s a dope soul and I suggest you follow her beautiful account on instagram @Wildprairiehoney - and buy some beeswax candles because there is nothing better than the smell and glow from one of those beauties.

One of Wild Prairie Honey’s beautiful beeswax candles keeping me company on a rainy evening in the studio.

Cheers friends - keep buzzin’




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